Sunday, January 30, 2011

A new scoot

A few weeks back I decided I needed some transport and wasn't going to wait around playing silly buggers with the local driving instructor. Having been on bikes in a different country before it seemed logical to get my bike endorsement and pick out a bike or a scooter. Having survived the rigours of the 25 question multiple choice exam, with permit in hand it was time to pick up a scooter. Clinging onto a volcano in the middle of the pacific has its advantages, a wide selection of cheap vehicles is not one of them. Having toured the local dealers, ruling out harleys, crotch rockets and the big name scooters due to price constraints I decided to 'risk' purchasing a slightly used (221 miles) chinese scooter. Having done my research I realised this scoot would take lots of TLC to keep it running, that it would be fairly basic in design (which is a plus and a minus) and it would be stupidly cheap.

Above is a picture of what my scooter (roketa mc75-150) looks like, or at least very close (same model, slightly different paint job, mine has black instead of white and a single tone seat). It's a 150cc gy6 engine, 13 inch wheels and can just about hit an indicated 70mph downhill, 45 uphill.Fuel economy so far is about 70-80mpg. 

After wobbling round some cones I got my full licence (first try, 3 points for skidding a bit on my controlled stop), some insurance and hit the road. 
I found the first problem with the scooter. Going over 30mph indicated resulted in a pop from the exhaust and a drop in power before power would come back. After adding some card cleaner, decent fuel and reseating the air filter all seemed well with the world. 

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